Jamile Marques's profile

Looking Good Is Only Half The Picture

Half The Picture
How do you define beauty? This is one of the questions we asked ourselves—and our models—in our fall brand campaign, Looking Good Is Only Half the Picture. We’ve always run counter to the traditional beauty industry, and by casting this campaign with an eye towards diversity, we strove to redefine outdated beauty definitions and standards. With this campaign, we hope to inspire people to join the clean revolution by defining beauty in a way that’s never been defined before.

We wanted to create a moving message that articulates our mission of being more than just a beauty brand. Through beautiful and emotional portraiture of inspiring humans who don’t fit the traditional mold, we create raw personal stories about what it means to come clean and what it means to be beautiful.

Director + Photographer: Matt Jones
VP Creative Director: Jodie Laczko
VP Content Director: Kendall Meade
Art Director: Jamile Marques
Never one dimensional, always fearless, these subjects—and their stories—represent a new way of approaching beauty: because looking good is only half the picture.
Looking Good Is Only Half The Picture


Looking Good Is Only Half The Picture
