Eminenture Pvt Ltd 的個人檔案

Gap Between Data Processing & Analysis

Automation Bridges Gap Between Data Processing & Analysis
Business intelligence(BI) is the technical practice of drawing insights and converting them into intelligence. This intelligence is associated with decisions, strategies, and contextual details. Typically, it is done by collecting contextual data, storing, structuring, and getting deep into insights for producing intelligence. In short, business intelligence runs through data mining because it comprises data collection, storing, structuring, and then, transforming them into decisions. This process is universal, which means that it can be applicable to all niches like sales, marketing, production, customer experience, finance, inventory, purchasing, etc. The concept of BI addresses challenges in various domains, It is simply because the solutions are extracted from the associated facts. This is how the upsides are enhanced and the downsides are turned better.
Gap Between Data Processing & Analysis

Gap Between Data Processing & Analysis

