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Reduce a Website’s Bounce Rate and Increase Conversions

Tips to Reduce a Website’s Bounce Rate and Increase Conversions
Bounce rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who spend a little time and then leave without taking any action, such as clicking on a link, filling out a form, or making a purchase. It is important to regularly monitor bounce rates as higher rates directly reflect low conversions and poor SEO as well. Although the estimated bounce rate should lie between 26% to 40%, it depends more on the industry.

If you are not meeting your expectations due to this serious issue, then let us discuss tips on how to improve the bounce rate of a website.

1. Optimize your homepage and use Google Analytics to monitor the website’s performance.
2. Add a call-to-action on every website page.
3. Improve website design and user interface.
4. Develop a responsive website.
5. Determine the root cause of your bounce rate.
6. Don’t surprise the users with unexpected behaviors.

So, try implementing these tips and regularly test your website until you find the best solution. Fortunately, it's not hard to do as long as you're willing to experiment with your value proposition, invest in high-quality content creation, and understand your target audience.
Reduce a Website’s Bounce Rate and Increase Conversions
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Reduce a Website’s Bounce Rate and Increase Conversions

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