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James Gunn Clarifies The New DCU World Setting

James Gunn Clarifies The New DCU World Setting And The Ages Of Batman/Superman
James Gunn, the director of the upcoming DC Universe film “The Suicide Squad,” recently took to social media to clear up some confusion surrounding the new DCU world setting and the ages of Batman and Superman. Gunn has been working closely with DC and Warner Bros. to develop a cohesive and consistent world for their upcoming films.
In recent years, there has been a lot of debate among fans about the ages of Batman and Superman in the DCU. Some believe that they are both in their prime, while others believe they are older and closer to retirement. However, Gunn has confirmed that Batman is in his prime and Superman is slightly older, but still in the prime of his career.

James Gunn Clarifies The New DCU World Setting

James Gunn Clarifies The New DCU World Setting
