Nicolas Murdaca's profile

Chakra Guitar Picks (7 Pack)

Digital Renders
Product Description
Chakras are focal points within the body, that are pools of energy. The chakras originate from early traditions of Hinduism, and were used within ancient meditation practices, and esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism. There are seven different chakras within the body, each having their own purpose and function. They are believed to govern our psychological qualities, and when balanced lead to finding peace within ourselves. The seven chakras are, Muladhara (root chakra), Svadhisthana (sacral chakra), Manipura (solar plexus chakra), Anahata (heart chakra), Vishuddha (throat chakra), Anja (third eye chakra), Sahasrara (crown chakra).

Product Dimensions
This guitar pick has the following dimensions shown below.


- Length: 37.72mm
- Width: 33.38mm
- Thickness (Total): 4.50mm
- Pick thickness (Material used on guitar): Varies from (0.20mm to 3.50mm)


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Chakra Guitar Picks (7 Pack)

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Chakra Guitar Picks (7 Pack)


Chakra Guitar Picks (7 Pack)
