Roger Chen's profile

"Thousand Character Text" motion art

This project is an artistic creation. Six random motion graphics generated by touchdesigner are combined with six sentences in "Thousand Character Text" respectively to give more meaning to motion graphics. And motion graphics in turn explain the meaning of words.

此项目为艺术创作。由 touchdesigner 生成的 6 个随机生成的运动图形分别与“千字文”中的 6 个句子相结合,赋予动态图形更多的意义,而动态图形反过来也解释了每句句子的含义。
天地玄黄 宇宙洪荒
The sky is black, the earth is yellow, and the universe is formed in a state of confusion and ignorance.
宫殿盘郁 楼观飞惊
The palace twists and turns, the towers que flying to the sky make people shocked.
海咸河淡 鳞潜羽翔
The sea is salty, the river is light, fish swimming in the water, birds flying in the air.
旷远绵邈 岩岫杳冥
China's land is vast and far away, and there is no poverty. The mountains and valleys are deep and beautiful.
日月盈昃 辰宿列张
The sun rises and sets.The moon came and went.The stars spread out and filled the sky.
云腾致雨 露结为霜
When the clouds rise and cool, they form rain; when the dew cools at night, it condenses into frost.
"Thousand Character Text" motion art

"Thousand Character Text" motion art


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