HUAWEI | Mate 50 RS

Huawei  |   Mate 50 RS
Mate 50是华为新发布的系列。为了传达超光圈XMAGE相机和微型长焦镜头的概念,我们制作了以下两个视频。

The Huawei Mate 50 is a series of EMUI-based smartphone manufactured by Huawei. To convey the concept of the ultra aperture XMAGE camera and micro long-focus lens, We have produced the following two videos.
The Ultra Aperture XMAGE Camera
Micro Long-focus Lens
The Detail of Camera
Making Of
Previous Experiment
Client:  Huawei
Production house: The Mill
Producer:  Anson Yu

Director / Motion Lead:  Neo Chu
Motion Team:  Zhengting Yang, Brock Chen, Scout Liao

HUAWEI | Mate 50 RS
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