Perfil de Natasha Viljoen

James Brown | Natural Selection | Event Poster April

So the story for 'James Brown in the Sky Singing Shells' goes:
I spent ages trying different techniques and options for April's event poster. One day I happened to pass my dad's bookshelf (and actually look at the books for a change). On the bookshelf was the most beautiful book with the most beautiful shells. So shells. Thanks dad. 
The background image is from a book of mountains that I bought at a second hand sale for R2. 
And James Brown because James Brown. 
Timeline version of design
Poster Design.
James Brown in the sky singing shells. 
James Brown | Natural Selection | Event Poster April
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James Brown | Natural Selection | Event Poster April

You know those moments when you get so fired up while designing/creating/working that you don't stop to eat, drink or pee? I create monthly pos Ver mais

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