Augastine Ndeti
Softech Solutions
13th November 2022
Technology’s Influence
I have chosen to focus my research on Technology's Influence. I believe this is a critical topic because technology has become such a large part of our lives. It seems like everything we do now revolves around some technology, whether it is our phones, our computers, or even our cars. I think studying the effects of technology on us, both good and bad, is essential.
One could focus on many different aspects of Technology's Influence. For example, one could look at how technology has changed the way we communicate with each other. With the advent of social media, we can now communicate with people worldwide with just the click of a button (Umit 236). It has made it easier for people to connect and stay in touch.
Many different scholars have studied the effects of technology on our society. Some believe that technology has had a mostly positive effect, while others believe that the adverse effects outweigh the positive ones. I would say that technology has positively and negatively affected our society. On the one hand, it has made our lives much easier and more convenient. It has also allowed us to communicate with people worldwide and quickly access information (Cunningham 52). On the other hand, it has also made us more reliant on machines and has caused some people to become isolated from the rest of society.
Naysayers against my potential argument could say that I am just looking at the positive effects of technology and that I am not considering the negative ones. However, I believe it is crucial to consider both the beneficial and detrimental effects of technology to understand the whole picture.
This issue matters because it is something that affects all of us. We all use technology daily, and it is vital to understand its effects on us. Technology is not fading, so it is crucial to learn as much as possible about it.
In conclusion, I think that the issue of technology's influence is essential because technology is getting prevalent in our lives, and there is the need to be aware of the potential effects that it can have.

Works Cited
Umit, K. U. L. "Influences of technology integrated professional development course on mathematics teachers." European Journal of Educational Research 7.2 (2018): 233-243.
Cunningham, James A., et al. "How principal investigators’ commercial experience influences technology transfer and market impacts." Research-Technology Management 63.5 (2020): 49-58.




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