The Client
“Sharing culture through food is our driving passion and Adun was created in that spirit”
- Founder and Head Chef, Adun

Adun is a restaurant offering traditional Nigerian cuisine in a jovial, homey environment. Its concept plays the role of a fine dining place, leaving aside false splendor and etiquette, showing its strengths and weaknesses in the authentic Nigerian way. For them, every plate and taste seeks to create a new experience, new chemistry, a new reason to laugh.
The Objective
To visually communicate the main message:
Mouth-Watering Goodness, Naija Style

To create a brand identity that clearly stands out in a highly competitive food industry, presenting Nigerian cuisine in a way that people have never seen before.and ensuring that the target market - young Nigerians - easily connect with the brand. 
The Solution
After considering many different ideas, we decided on a word-mark that depicts the image of the popular Nigerian party pot (similar to a cauldron), then we stylishly infused the name of the brand into the mark. This is one of our original, hand-drawn icons. With this, we achieved a modern presence and an indigenous, yet classy finish.

We also chose a colour that represents the rich redness of many Nigerian meals and soups

We also conceptualized brand strategy for the grand launch of the restaurant, and designed the key brand materials.
By creating this brand identity, we sought to put Nigerian cuisine in the limelight, paying proper homage to our most used ingredients, tools and colours.