Artisan, Masonry & Granite

Artisan Masonry Inc. is widely recognized as one of the leading masonry contractors in the North Texas Region. For three decades, they have consistently been delivering top-tier services to businesses in the Metroplex area. These include industrial, commercial, restoration and institutional clients who rely heavily on their immaculate customer service.

In addition to commercial construction, they started their granite division 10 years ago, offering high-quality granite for both homes and businesses.Their unparalleled dedication to both excellent craftsmanship and customer service has made them the favored provider of masonry and granite countertop services in the area. We constructed a brand with that notion.

The initial logo was overly complex, lacked responsiveness and had too many elements competing with each other. The logo looked outdated and needed a modern, simple, and approachable style

Our goal was to hone the original logo by streamlining it, creating a more polished and refined look. However, we needed to preserve some elements such as colors and the trowel to maintain equity, making the logo easier to apply for both offline and online with a modern yet simple look.

2022 © Hite International for Artisan Masonry & Granite. 
Senior Designer: Kathy Rodríguez
Branding Manager: Karina Blanco.
Production for Case: Nahomi Cuadra and Kathy Rodríguez

Artisan, Masonry & Granite
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Artisan, Masonry & Granite

Artisan Masonry Inc. is widely recognized as one of the leading masonry contractors in the North Texas Region. Their unparalleled dedication to b Daha Fazla Bilgi

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