Pragati Mathur is a Textile designer and Weaving Artist based out of Bangalore, India.
She creates cutting edge textiles and tapestries by using unorthodox materials, silk and cotton elements, and any fabric/material that can convey her concepts effectively. Her inspiration comes from looking at nature with insatiable eyes.
I have used Ms. Mathur's tapestries to create contemporary looks in this series. 
This look in specific was featured in VIGOUR Magazines April 2022 issue. I have used a Copper wire and Silk tapestry on Illo's body as a dress. Due to the malleable properties of the Copper wire, I was able to mould the shape of the outfit according to my preference.  
Creative Direction and Styling: Zoya Toshniwal
Model: Illo Tissica 
Photographer: Karthik Yadav 
Make up and Hair Artist: Tia Berlin
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