Jenny Tran's profile

Enchantea: Fairy Teahouse

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Enchantea is a fictional cafe and teahouse with whimsical elements that aim to help customers feel at peace from the troubles of the world around them. A sanctuary to bring friends and enjoy fairy bites, enticing drinks, and the supernatural. ​​​​​​​
The logo design's physical elements are inspired by butterfly wings, teaspoons, and teacups. Four teacups are incorporated into each wing of the butterfly, while the body is formed from a decorated teaspoon (also called sugar spoons) with antennae on top.
Fairies are ethereal, magical, and mysterious. A teahouse is warm and inviting. To incorporate these styles together, I took inspiration from some of my favorite pieces of pop-culture: Animal Crossing, Bee & Puppycat, Sailor Moon, Stardew Valley, etc.
The fairy theme is meant to help people let loose and relax and seek out their inner child. 
Enchantea is a teahouse dedicated to the people around us that we love and care about, and people should be able to experience fun luxury at affordable prices simply because they deserve it for all the work and stress they face daily.

The teahouse offers a range of small bites to filling meals, with a selection of refreshing drinks and fresh baked pastries made for the soul, in an environment that feels like an alternate world and comfort food that puts you at ease. Additionally, the space offers indoor and outdoor options: An outdoor courtyard to reserve spots or picnics in a garden, and a spacious yet cozy indoor area with
sections for groups and individuals, and a small library corner next to the bakery and reception for those visiting momentarily.
Enchantea: Fairy Teahouse

Enchantea: Fairy Teahouse
