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Vanda | Orchid Planter

Orchids re-appreciated 

Orchids flowers are often associated with beauty. They symbolize elegance, luxury, passion and more. However, as the flowers wilt, so does the perception of the plant's beauty. Coupled with the long periods of dormancy most orchids subsequently enter, many orchid keepers find them uninspiring and a struggle to care for when they are not in bloom. This then begs the questions:

What would orchids be without flowers? How can we better appreciate orchids when they are not in bloom?

Orchid on Stone, Don Brown

Most orchids are epiphytes; they grow on other plants and derives nutrients from rain and air instead of soil, therefore, having exposed aerial roots. Vanda takes inspiration from bringing out the hidden beauty of orchid roots, the beauty in chaos and in the uncontrollable, through the idea of an orchid planter.
sketches and prototypes

beauty in roots
As the roots grow, they will wrap around the mount, till they overgrow and hang from the edges creating a beautiful contrast. The holes also allows them to weave in and out, interacting with other roots on a three-dimensional level. 

beauty with longevity
In pursuit of longevity and a more structured root system, users can attach an additional mount that Vanda comes with before the roots outgrow the first one. With some patience, the roots will embrace a cocoon like form, displaying a different type of beauty.

ease and elegance in watering
Mounted orchids are best watered through soaking. For that, Vanda also comes with a watering vase. 
Simply lift, align, and insert and it is ready for soaking. 

What would orchids be without flowers? 
With Vanda, orchids can be beautiful, stimulating, and better appreciated without flowers.

With guidance from Professor Sixiu Tan, 
Platform Leader | Visualizing New Experiences through Product Appreciation
Division of Industrial Design, National University of Singapore

Vanda | Orchid Planter

Vanda | Orchid Planter
