Ryan Forquers profil

Syneron Candela iPad App

Syneron Candela Sales iPad App
iPad App
Enterprise level tool for Syneron-Candela sales representatives. Each rep is armed with an iPad preloaded with this app, which features system and treatment information as well as a practice consult that recommends systems based on customer input. Salesforce integration allows for consult information to be stored instantly from the app and PDFs of necessary literature are synced with Syneron-Candela's online CMS system for easy updating. 
Role: Graphic and UX design. Team lead for this project; working with creative director and iOS developer.
Status: Deployed to employees via Apple enterprise in-house distribution.
It all starts with the whiteboard sessions
Wireframes establish the information architecture and allow stakeholders to get a better sense of user flow and interface
Syneron Candela iPad App

Syneron Candela iPad App

Enterprise sales app for Syneron Candela
