Christine A D M sin profil

The horror film | Original and Remake

Original and Remake - quality characteristics now and then

For my Intermediate project at the Köln International School of Design, I analyzed the creative aspects of horror film originals and their remakes. Starting from the point of view on the fundamental differences of horror movie remakes compared to their originals, it was explicitly investigated what standards apply in the production of a horror movie remake with regards to the aspects generating fear and brutality. 

The book's layout as a whole is minimalist and constructivist in order for the design aspect to not deter from the scientific aspect of the work.
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The horror film | Original and Remake

The horror film | Original and Remake

DER HORRORFILM Original und Remake - Qualitätsmerkmale gestern und heute Im Nebenthema des Intermediate Projektes analysierte ich anhand einer a Se mer
