Hollowknight is one of the best, if not the best, metroidvania of all times. That´s why this infography came as a way of ode to this marvelous game.

Trying to mantain the serif typo that the game already use the primary font selected was Trajan Pro that just fit perfect with this esthetic.

In the other hand I use a san serif font for everything related to big paragraphs and no titles texts. Be Vietnam was the option I selected.

I also use a third typo that reffers to the fictional language that Hollowknight uses along the game. It's name is Hollowscript and it was developed by a series of Hollowknight enthusiasts in Reddit. Here you have an article that reffer to this information: https://www.eurogamer.net/how-hollow-knights-community-crafted-gibberish-into-a-real-language

This last typo, Hollowscript, was not only used for titles but also for text esthetic and background

Once typo was selected the next big step was to think which kind of info will be presented in the publication and how we will watch it.

Two works start at the same time to achive the final structure for information. The first part was to make typo calc to create the skeleton than will allow us to organize images and text in the canva. The second part was releated to the sections and kind of info that will be represented.

The first section starts explaning Who is Team Cherry?, Who was the persone behind the proyect? and what was its inspiration?.
For this section we use photos of the members of the team, a little illustration of Hungry Knight and Team Cherry's logo.

The second part of the infography pretends to introduce some of the most important character along the story. This graphic wants to present each one size, its name and a little description of the insect.

In this particular section it was necessary to create illustrations for each one of this characters.

Every drawing starts with a handmade line art, than I scanned it and vectorized it with Illustrator. With this vector I color it on Fresco and finally, in Photoshop I create this photographic effects.

Once illustrations were finished the section only needs background texture and lines in order to show the height of each character.

The third section of the infography is the once dedicated to show the map of the game. In order to show all of the biomas of the game I divided this sectión in to parts:

The first part is a central map that allow us to observe the whole kingdom of Hollownest and the way biomas interact with the others. The second part is the detail of this zones. All images used on this details were capture from a copy of the game that I own.

The last section show lost if information like stats and charts of the game. Another kind of information show are platforms where it's available and DLCs.

Hollowknight Infography
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Hollowknight Infography

A Hollowknight infography for those fans who loves one of the best metroidvanias of all times

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