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Bon Iver Webstore

Bon Iver Web Store
Creating a user friendly web store that eliminates multiple page navigation, for easy and effeicient use on both desktop and mobile applications.
When we, Knorth Studios, were presented with the Bon Iver webstore project we had two goals in mind. The first was to to showcase the beauty of the the actual merchandise, and we did that by using big, powerful images. The second goal was to totally rethink the online shopping experience and make it more efficient for the user. How did we do that? Well, in our research phase we noticed that with a lot of web stores when you simply just wanted to look at an item more in depth, it would take you to a totally different page. Then when you tried to go back to the previous page with all of the items on it to continue shopping, it would bring you back to the top of that page and you would have to scroll down to find where you had left off. Which in some cases can be very tedious. This, to us, seemed unnecessary and annoying. So what we did was eliminate both of these problems and keep all the navigation to one page. We did that by creating a huge item box that when clicked on, would display the item info and another picture of the item. From here, within the item box, you could browse through more item pictures, and give them the option to either add the item to their cart and keep shopping or add the item to their cart and checkout. All of this while staying on the same webpage.
Simplifying The Online Shopping Experience
(Clothing, Music, Posters)
Web Ads
(still shots of GIF ads)
visit the real thing:
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Bon Iver Webstore

Bon Iver Webstore

Creating a user friendly web store that eliminates multiple page navigation, for easy and effeicient use on both desktop and mobile applications.

