Profil appartenant à Prathanya Balasubramaniam

The Refuge - Parametric Modelling (Academic)

The Refuge - Parametric Modelling 
An Experiment
In a post apocalyptic world still ridden in war and bloodshed, when it's all about survival of the fittest, this structure provides as a refuge for those hiding from the combat above. Decades of war has led civilisation to build a safe stable structure underground away from all the chaos. Camouflaged beneath the soil, this space is used by millions to stay and raise their children in, have each others backs, scout for food and other basic need. Multiple such structures are hidden underneath, out of sight from the war above, all connected through multiple tunnels and secret passageways, only known to those living beneath.
Inspiration - The design is inspired from the shell of a tortoise; it uses biomimicry to explore the sturdiness and the layout of the structure.
Grasshopper Process:
Zoning and Process Renders:
The design, being inspired from the shell of a tortoise, has a thickness of 2’ which helps bare the impact of bombing, etc that take place. The structure also has a metal piping running across the facade on the exterior as well as from within which not only helps increase the sturdiness of the shelter but also helps in carrying the effect of external factors directly to the ground without damaging the shell. It also comes with openings in various parts of its shell connected to the ground above using pipes/tunnels, allowing for natural light to flow in. They also function as outlets for people to enter and exit the space. This particular shape (circular domes) was chosen as a sphere is one of the most stable object and furthermore has a larger surface area.
The tunnels, apart from providing as a light source, also form a complex underground network that aids in communication, transfer of refugees from one centre to another, transportation of essentials, etc.
Final Renders:
The Refuge - Parametric Modelling (Academic)
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The Refuge - Parametric Modelling (Academic)

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