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In June 2010 we presented the first augmented reality book created by Marko Todorovic. is a pioneer attempt to document the unconventional art in cities far removed from the street art main stage. Showcasing the robust, varied, inventive art exhibited on streets of Belgrade, the book reflects a unique talent and energy of the city that is about to become the new inspirational hotspot for street art creators and lovers.
What makes this book special is that a hard copy is a point of entry which enables you to explore the "hidden" world of street art. The book title is a clue - website adress with informations and instructions on how to use augmented reality. When combined with smart phone the book brings out different multimedia content layered over its pages: interviews, videos, new artworks ...
As an ongoing experimental project explores and demonstrates new possibilities opened up by augmented reality. Each page of the book is about to become a platform for various additional content. At the same time as a part of project, the first ever interactive stencil was pasted on the walls of Belgrade. The work by street artist AiR is layered with the video clip of its creation. These digital interventions will be added and changed over time in order to reflect the ephemeral nature of street art.
Also, during Museum night 2012 in Belgrade, we presented the Street art museum...

Street art / Augmented reality book by Marko Todorovic
