Darren Chang's profile

肉球糧行 寵物罐頭|Canned food packaging series design


Paws Brothers is a cat-oriented pet brand founded by a team of experienced cat people. Paws Brothers has a deep understanding of common nutritional disorders in cats. Therefore, they are dedicated to developing high-quality, natural, and well-balanced cat food suitable for all cats.
饗宴主食罐 Banquet for cats

As the first impression of the brand, the packaging design features eye-catching cat illustrations that allow the customers to intuitively associate Paws Brothers with cat food. In addition, the bold and vibrant colors enable to distinguish between different flavors. The cat illustrations reflect the brand concept of "return to nature" by using organic shapes. This design strategy aims to establish a strong and distinctive impression.

Cats in various movements can randomly form an animated display by stacking the cans in different combinations.
派對點心罐 Party for cats

Paws Brothers released a new complementary cat food of "Party for cats" after "Banquet for cats" launched. Party of Cats transformed the ingredients into patterns for decorating the background. Moreover, the combination of high saturation and high contrast color link to a lively party vibe.
肉球糧行 寵物罐頭|Canned food packaging series design
Design|Darren Chang
Special thanks |Ligu Miji
肉球糧行 寵物罐頭|Canned food packaging series design


肉球糧行 寵物罐頭|Canned food packaging series design
