
2019 began for me with an interesting design challenge.

It has always been challenging for me to create icons. You need to have the skill to be able to convey the intended meaning in a small illustration, without overloading its details. Styling and simplification has never been my strong suit, so I decided to solve this problem creatively: to draw a lot of icons. To become the master you must walk the road yourself 🤘

I created an Instagram account and decided that every day for a whole year I would draw one icon and post it there. I did this so that I could see my progress, additionally public maintenance of the social network allowed me to keep up to date and not to abandon my challenge.

In order to avoid choosing simple topics I decided to reflect on the events of every day so that I could stay relevant and avoid oversimplifying my tasks. If I had spent the whole day in my familiar setting, only working and nothing exciting or emotional happened, then I should draw the most memorable detail of that day. But what if there were 2, 3, 10 such days in a row? What would I do then? 🤯​​​​​​​

Before the beginning of the challenge, I chose the style of my icons: they were flat outlined icons with size 3 pt stroke thickness.
I also defined a certain palette so that all 365 icons would have one consistent style, for example, the shade of blue in all my icons would be the same.
Honestly, I didn’t believe that I would have the will to design every day. However, I proved myself wrong! The fruits of my labour can be seen below. Each artwork is accompanied by a description and some commentary can be seen on my instagram @365daysoficons.

At the end of this post you will find a link to download the archive with my icons in svg and png. 



Feel free to use these icons as you like: in printed materials, on websites, print on T-shirts, on stickers, whatever you wish, however you may not sell them or pass them off as your work.

Follow me on Instagram

365 days of icons


365 days of icons

Year long challenge (2019)
