BN Academy School

BN Academy school - Almaty qalasynda ornalasqan oqu ortalyğy. Bılım beru, ŪBT -ğa daiyndyqtan bölek:
- tūlğalyq damu;
- oqu ornyna tüsuge kömektesu;
- bolaşaq studentterdı jaña ömırge daiyndau;
- nätijege jūmys jasaityn oqu ortalyğy bolyp tabylady

BN Academy school is an educational center located in Almaty. Education, in addition to preparation for UNT:
- personal development;
- help to enter an educational institution;
- preparing future students for a new life;
- is a result-oriented training center

Logotip biıktık, aspan, bırınşı bolu, nätijege jetu sekıldı ideiağa negızdelıp jasalyndy. Logotipte negızgı 3 forma beinelengen:
- Tau - būl bırınşıden biıktık, aspan, şyñğa şyğu sekıldı ideiağa negızdelse, ekınşıden oqu ortalyğynyna ornalasqan jerı Almaty qalasyn meñzeidı.
- Kıtap jäne qalam - tıkelei mağyna, iağni oqu ortalyğy, bılım alu sekıldı mağyna beredı. Sonymen qatar logodan qarap otyrğanyñyzdai qalam men kıtap basqaşa formada jasalynğan. Būl jerde KITAP - B ärpınıñ formasyna, al QALAM - N ärpınıñ formasyna qarai syzylğan.

The logo was created on the basis of the idea of height, sky, being the first, achieving results. The logo depicts 3 main forms:
- The mountain, firstly, is based on the idea of height, sky, peak, and secondly, the location of the educational center refers to the city of Almaty.
- A book and a pen is a direct meaning, that is, it means a training center, education. Also, as seen in the logo, the pen and the book are made in different shapes. Here the BOOK is drawn in the shape of the letter B and the PEN is drawn in the shape of the letter N.

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BN Academy School


Project Made For

BN Academy School

The main goal was to create a logo that would convince the students and parents that they have chosen the right educational center. In the logo, Read More
