Profil appartenant à Andrea Tueme

Steelcase: Branded Spaces

Steelcase: Branded Spaces
Steelcase is a global brand that strives to make the workplace better and always keeps its users in mind,
whether it's about innovating new products or innovating their spaces throughout the world.

As part of the Brand Applied team, one of my main goals, was to make sure that the Steelcase brand is experienced
at its most current vision and core values consistently, whether that is translated to an actual space they're showcasing,
an event they're hosting or a part of (from the space graphics to collateral assets), 
or their own working environments.

Environments included:
→ Business Centers
→ WorkLife Centers
→ Showrooms
 throughout its US, Canada, Mexico and EMEA locations.

Assets created:

 Artwork for our digital content libraries
(Created, acquired and/or digitally edited from a previous piece to match environment inspiration.)

 Visitor experience assets (Print + Digital)
(Presentations, Virtual tours, Wayfinding, Welcome banners,
Agenda, Reminders, Screen layouts, Thank you cards)
 Employee experience assets
(Team presentations, Screen layouts, Privacy film, Wayfinding)

Skills used:
Image retouching
→ Vectorization / Sketching
Art direction / Conceptualization / Design Thinking process for each project
(ie. showroom update)
Storytelling / Brand experiences
Brand alignements 
(ie. Making sure each deliverable is aligned to our grids + brand guidelines.)
Layout design
→ Presentation design
Template design
Print + digital environments
→ Mock up creation
→ Collaboration
(ie. communication with different stakeholders to align on opportunities vs. possabilities:
sales team, showroom managers, architects, interior designers, product consultants, etc./
ie. asking for measurements, photos/information, etc. to create assets.
Knowledge of color theory / Manipulation of color
(ie. from digital to print, from pms swatch to cmyk or backwards.)

→ Propping graphics 
(ie. Screen layouts for showrooms, ie. whiteboard graphics.)
→ Adaptation / User Experience
(Adapting templates to software that is accessible and familiar to everyone so it can easily be adjusted.
ie. Microsoft Powerpoint. ie. Figuring out the customer path in each location, 
so appropriate wayfinding signage is provided.
ie. Figuring out user privacy needs to come up with a solution for privacy film in a pod environment.
→ Communicating with internal/external vendors (ie. print needs, graphic designers.)

Examples of our Refreshed Spaces
Examples of Visitor Assets Created
A number of adjustable assets were created to support our Sales teams in our main locations worldwide.
This would be a way to streamline these recurring needs and facilitate access to others,
without our brand standards getting lost along the way. Grids were designed on InDesign and adjusted to PowerPoint
to be delivered as easily editable templates for our internal clients. 
They included a variety of options to choose from in terms of artwork and photography, as well as an initial "instructions" slide
on how to make appropriate use of each template, as well as production / sharing insights (See above examples).
Invitations (Print + Digital)
Agenda (Print + Digital)
Thank You cards (Print + Digital)
Welcome signage (Print + Digital)
Additional assets
All of the above assets were created for Steelcase's main locations worldwide, such as:
Grand Rapids (US), Chicago (US), Los Angeles (US), New York (US), Toronto (Canada) and London (EMEA),
each highlighting specific artwork/photography pertaining to each location.
Steelcase: Branded Spaces
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Steelcase: Branded Spaces

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