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Strategic Marketing & Communications for Fivelements

Fivelements is an international award-winning eco-conscious wellness retreat, a world leader in the fitness and health hospitality industry.
Our collaboration started back in 2012 with a request from a low-key startup that had just opened in Bali and was figuring out its positionality. 

We could never imagine that, along with our continuous support, Fivelements would grow into an international, award-winning company with projects in Bali and Hong Kong.
Right after the first consultations and initial analysis, the request for promotion to the new markets transformed. We concluded that the best way was to start with the website development and the promotion to other more relevant at the time markets.
From the very beginning, we took a holistic approach developing and implementing sales and marketing strategies. We were in charge of the website, managing all the sections - special offers, event calendar, press archive, guest book, awards and master classes. 

Furthermore, we initiated the distribution of newsletters and launched social media channels. Besides, we were interacting with relevant clubs to obtain additional press coverage and attract new customers, keeping the client well-informed during the process.
While the project was rapidly growing and developing in early 2013 we were trusted to take over all the media interactions completely, including the elaboration and implementation of the SOP (a step-by-step guide on how to interact with press from processing an application to archiving publications).
In 2015, we were in charge of the marketing calendar, supervising all Fivelements projects. While maintaining our focus on PR, we were delivering detailed reports on digital marketing campaigns. 

And since 2016 we were involved in the application processes for international awards.
In 2017, Fivelements opened a luxury spa, gourmet vegan restaurant and yoga centre with a watsu pool at Hongkong Golf and Tennis Academy. 

We met and worked closely with the Academy's marketing team, supervised press tours, newsletters, publication of special offers and information about events.
2017 turned out to be the year when Fivelements’ project faced a lot of challenges - hacker attacks, then came out-of-the-blue journalistic investigation in Hong Kong, and, finally, several volcanic eruptions in Bali. 

Here's when our superpower to adjust quickly to changes and update the strategies appeared to be handy and all the challenges became opportunities for our team's growth, as well as our first experience of anti-crisis management.
We resolved so many unpredictable issues that at some point it seemed that the story could be filmed. From one's perspective, it may seem that the life of the wellness project managers and creators is calm, steady and peaceful, but in fact, we faced a new challenge every week. It was quite impossible to predict what would happen in the next episode.
In 2018, while we were still working with Fivelements another project and a new challenge burst into our lives - Habitat in Hong Kong. The project carried out the idea of a "habitat of the future" - an urban wellness retreat for corporate employees and metropolis residents, leading a particularly dynamic lifestyle. 

We were in charge of building a multi-level site for the project on the Tilda platform, which we successfully implemented within a highly constrained timeframe. We were literally working 24/7 when our team in European time zones handed over finished tasks to our partners in Hong Kong late in the evening and they were making corrections, preparing new materials to hand them over back early in the morning.
In 2020 when it was time to hand over the business to the new owners, we couldn't help but feel the loss. Together Iliveglobally and Fivelements have given, enriched and taught each other so much over these 8 years spent side by side that we couldn’t help but feel sad that our partnership had come to an end.
Strategic Marketing & Communications for Fivelements
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Strategic Marketing & Communications for Fivelements

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