Henkilön Rebecca Bland profiili

The Living Bereavement

The Living Bereavement
Living with Alzheimers
For this installation I wanted to show the struggle people go through when living with Alzheimer's Disease. I wanted to intrigue the viewer from a distance so that when they came closer they could then see the effects of the disease, to almost force them to look at Alzheimer's and to understand it rather than be scared of discussing it. The piece was there to raise awareness but to also help relatives of people with the disease to gain a better understanding.
This image shows the destruction of the brain and surround due to Alzheimer's.
The bookcase represented everyday chores being lost due to Alzheimer's and the envelopes show information about the disease. the portrait is a sufferer with Alzhiemer's remembering her old self.
The Living Bereavement

The Living Bereavement

A depiction of the struggle of Alzheimer's Disease.



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