
Slow metamorphosis from 9 casted impersonalised shapes to unique hand sculpted objects is a metaphor of transformation that slowly happened with emotional perception while experiencing the space.
Ice has been chosen as a material to combine with glass as they have the same refraction properties that creates an illusion of clear unified object; at the same time those visually similar materials have very different relationships with time. Throughout the melting process the sculpture transforms, as it is hard to identify the edge between glass and ice. Time reveal hidden meanings and personalize objects that originally 
looked the same. Those objects are to be explored and experienced through the process of transformation that opens up new essence to them.
Originally equal geometrical spaces could trap or contain the universe. This project gave an opportunity to play with shrinking and expanding spaces inside what is considered as one.
Transparency of selected materials suggests those objects are only phontomes, that also constantly change refracting and reflecting the environment.


