YANDESIGN 颜娜's profile

时宋TIME SONG 茶饮品牌


时宋TIME SONG创立于中国扬州,是一家以茶为本,探寻茶饮及茶点、茶食更多可能性的中式茶室。

TIME SONG, founded in Yangzhou, China, is a Chinese-style teahouse based on tea to explore more possibilities of tea drinking, refreshments and tea.
The founder hopes to better collide traditional tea with modern tea. I hope to create it for the guests who come here to drink tea A comfortable, relaxed and pleasant habitat.

我们在时宋的品牌设计中,始终关注着传统与现代之间的关联。 尽可能地体现舒适的、轻松的氛围感。 我们保留传统书法的美感,同时结合了现代字型的处理。 并在局部做了柔和的细节处理,让时宋的标识呈现出一种时间流动的美感。 在品牌装饰图案设计中,我们通过“时”字的点联想到了以时间转换点,并融入T、S的布局, 形成呼应的关系。延展到版面布局、物料及产品包装的形态上,这种简洁的方式将“时宋” 的生命力直白地表现出来。

In the brand design of time song, we always pay attention to the relationship between tradition and modernity. Reflect a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere as much as possible. We retain the beauty of traditional calligraphy and combine the processing of modern font. In addition, soft details are made in some parts to make the logo of time song show a sense of beauty of time flow. In the design of brand decoration patterns, we associate the point of "time" with the point of time conversion, and integrate the layout of T and S to form a corresponding relationship. Extending to the layout, materials and product packaging, this concise way shows the vitality of "time song".

寻一间安静的茶馆 , 觅一个安静的角落, 同二三人共饮,得半日之闲,留一壶茶的时间,享片刻的宁静


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时宋TIME SONG 茶饮品牌

时宋TIME SONG 茶饮品牌
