Cy Tone's profile


/ˈhuː//ˈɑːr//ˈjuː/?¿ 👁𓄿🪞🚶🏻

artwork for the sixth edition of @jazz_is_dead

creative process with #midjourney / finishing touches with @openaidalle

prompt // a crow looks in the mirror and sees the reflection of a genderless human being body looking at him, #ManRay style
@jazz_is_dead - Chi sei?
Guardiamo nello specchio, CHI SEI? Non lo sappiamo, l'unica cosa certa è che sicuramente sappiamo cosa ci piace ascoltare.

26-27-28 May 2023 - Turin - ITALY

@jazz_is_dead ! Festival is a project by @arci_torino @tum_torino @magazzinosulpo_murazzi

@Cy_Tone - Inhale / Exhale / Inspire / Create
"All Content is Copyright-free, everyone can use it as he/she/it prefers, we don't give a [ˈfʌk]. Culture is a human heritage not a mass production tool"

#cy_tone #cytone #3D #ai #DALLe2 #midjourney @manray_association

