Cold Mail Template for Software Company

Hi there, [FNAME]!

With great power comes great responsibility: make the best decisions for the growth 
of [COMPANY] by hiring highly qualified, experienced, and cost-optimized QA engineers.

Companies like [Bloomberg, LookingGlass, etc.] have entrusted their [flagship products/business-critical software] to our [QA Specialist] [Michael/Sarah] with [his/her] [9 years] of experience working from [Country]. The good news is that [he/she] is now available to work with your [company].

Listen to your spidey sense. [Michael/Sarah] got 10/10 feedback on [his/her] latest project where [he/she] performed on par with our client’s in-house team.

Would you be interested in seeing [her/his] resume?
Cold Mail Template


Cold Mail Template


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