Expolight Company 的个人资料

Emily Resort | Forest

This forest is perceived both on a macro scale from the opposite shore of the lake and locally, walking along the embankment when you see all its details. And that's why we made it, taking into account these nuances. For this, we had to create three independent rows of lamps that smoothly go deeper into the forest.

We wanted to show the following:
-its volume and depth,
-stretch it to length,
-so that silhouettes of trees alternate with illuminated trees.

So we made rows of more than 200 lights with different optics, angles, and steps to get this volume. This is an exciting work of art: we directed some lights only to the crowns, some we tilted forward to make counterpoint accents, and some were stretched into the distance to smoothly integrate it and dissolve the boundaries of the forest with the entire slope. 

Creating these moments is fundamentally a massive work on the spot. To do this, we charged the lamps with temporary tails and placed them with pegs at night on a rather steep slope, which was not easy, and to switch them; we had to cut more than 3 km of cable. And then, install the lights, try on how they look at night, work on the mistakes with the appropriate adjustments, and continue the following evening again. To implement it only temporarily, this installation took a couple of weeks, and only then, after dismantling the lamps, according to the scheme marked with pegs, we started the implementation of the active project.

We decided to extend the existence of the illumination of this forest for the whole year, even when the leaves fall and the trees turn gray. For every day in the summer, we selected lamps with a natural balm channel, but with the possibility of adding shades of color thanks to the RGBW model, and its brightness changes three times a day so as not to interfere with natural biorhythms. In autumn, we emphasize the mood and prolong the feeling of golden autumn by adding shades of orange and red. 

And in winter, when the trees are entirely gray and uninteresting, they are illuminated with a specially selected snow-ice turquoise-blue color. Even when there is no snow, these bare trees look more festive. Suppose your vacation in the complex falls on a holiday. In that case, the forest will magically be dressed in the appropriate colors for this event, for example, in the national flag colors or pink shades for Valentine's Day. 

And to track all holidays, and the change of seasons, a complex algorithm with a large number of triggers (daily, weekly, annual) has been created thanks to our powerful software Expolight Cloud Control System.
Emily Resort | Forest