Web site of personal work
bernadinism.com[new link]
I decided my personal site had to be totally different from the simplicity of my professional website. To be in-keeping with my personal work which is individual and unusual, I decided to to make a interactive web site where the visitor has to actively has to find and click on objects to get to the pictures. I want an adventure playground for the mind. The animations are javascript instead of flash and the elements often have to be pushed aside to get to the links. The beauty of javascript is that if you can highlight an picture element then you can save it.

Pictures break up when you roll over them to reveal menus. A picture of my portfolio case can be thrown by dolls hand to hand. A metallic worm has to be pushed out of the way to get to the first series of pictures. Images can be pulled and pushed and left to oscillate. Elements behave like cloth. Some behave like water simulations. strings of words rotate to reveal meaning and menus. A coiled worm opens up when prodded. Two figures float weightlessly colliding with the sides of the picture and bouncing off one another. A portrait can be led by the nose from link to link. Fragmented puzzles can be put together to reveal the photograph.

All this on more on the site where my real photography is.
Web site design

Web site design

Interactive photographic website using javascript animation.
