Nexval naina's profile

Mortgage Title Automation

Since the mid 1990’s, companies have been slicing off pieces of their business processes to other companies. This is especially beneficial when volume is high, or regulations have created unsurmountable numbers of new forms and additional processes. In the mortgage and banking industries, outsourcing comes with additional risks. The biggest risk is data security and data integrity. If you are looking for an outsourcing partner, its critical you use a due diligence checklist as a guide to ensure you don’t overlook a risk that could end up as a liability.
Businesses who come to the aid of large servicers and banks should have all the certifications necessary to instill trust that the job will get done accurately, the employees are efficient and well trained, and data is never compromised. Nexval is SOC1, SOC2 and SOC3 certified. We undergo annual auditing and provide up-to-date reporting for all of our customers. We are also certified by BSI for ISO27001.
Mortgage Title Automation

Mortgage Title Automation
