I based my project on a pill as my object. With this, I was able to create 7 images based on the 7 creative strategies that I am learning in my graphic design class.
For combinations, I decided to use a similar white, circular pill. I isolated the pill in the center, and used a rounded pill to draw the parts of a light bulb to make it seem like a light by taking advantage of the circular form of the pill.

For juxtaposition, I decided to use two objects. One, a plate, and the other, a knife. These two objects have nothing to do with a pill, but combined, can make the form of a pill.
For isolation, I decided to use a white, circular pill. These pills are formed in a grid of at least 30 pills, and all of them are similar to each other except for one, making a contrast visually. 
I took two rounded pills that look like eyes, put them in the center, and with a pencil, drew a nose and a mouth to make it seem like a sleepy face. 
Change of Context
For the change of context, I decided to make a tic-tac-toe grid, but instead of using the x’s and o’s, I used a virus and a pill to symbolize that we don’t play with our health.
Shape Similarity
I took a football going into a goal, but instead of using a football, I changed it to a pill, using the same idea of the tic-tac-toe, of not playing with your health.
Material Change
For material change, I took several pills of different colors and put them together to form the letter D, to remind someone to take Vitamin D.
Creative Strategies


Creative Strategies
