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Neue Haas Grotesk or Stempel Garamond?

Typography Face Off! Who Wore it Better ... Neue Haas Grotesk or Stempel Garamond
In this project we compared two fonts; a serif and a san serif. This highlights the significant difference between these two fonts. It also shows how attractive they each are. 
Composition 1. Neue Haas Grotesk or the san serif font is void of any serif's as the term implies. It's letter formation is equal thickness throughout the letters lines and strokes. It is part of the Helvetica family and is the most used san serif used in typographical communications. 
Composition 2. Stempel Garamond is a serif font with simple serifs. The letters have thicker stems and thinner lines and strokes. This gives the font a unique font that is easy to read and many well known books are set in Stempel Garamond. 
Neue Haas Grotesk or Stempel Garamond?

Neue Haas Grotesk or Stempel Garamond?


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