"Sonam Lhosar is a new year festival celebrated by the Tamang and Hyolmo communities in Nepal and the Sikkim region, typically falling on the second new moon after the winter solstice, known as Magh Sukla Pratipada according to the eastern lunar calendar."
Tamang people are an ethnic group from Nepal and are known for their unique traditional dress. Men typically wear a long-sleeved shirt called a "bakhu" and a traditional cap called a "topi," while women wear a long dress called a "chuba" and a shawl called a "khada." The traditional dress is usually made from locally-sourced materials such as handwoven cotton or wool.
Tamang people do not have a specific color associated with their dress, but the traditional dress can come in various colors.
Sonam Lhosar


Sonam Lhosar
