Poschettes Box for Roads For Life
This is a project i worked on during my internship at Studio Manda, in Beirut.
Studio Manda was invited to create first aid kits for home use, an initiative by Roads For Life to raise money for the firefighters of the Lebanese Civil Defense.
The process: 
We started by analyzing the market, and existing projects to identify a brief that would guide us for the rest of the project.

I imagined a luxurious home first aid kit that is easy to carry and take on the go, created to guide the user during an emergency with removable red leather pouches visually accessible through the cross-shaped stainless steel structure. 

Story Board:
Accessible, easy to carry on the go!

Final product

The leather makes it lightweight and easily transportable with a good grip, and the stainless steel is used not only to achieve a modern and sophisticated look but to also follow the sanitary grades for storing non-urgent medical supplies.
“Poshettes” is divided according to the different steps a user should follow during an emergency.
Step 1: Personal protective equipment with gloves and masks
Step 2: Clean and treat the wound with creams and antiseptics.
Step 3: Cover the wound with bandages.
The last step would be the multiple tools needed in different situations.

Pictures by Walid Rashid

Poshettes Box


Poshettes Box
