Profil von Michael Lombardi

2013 Billboard Music Award Samsung Stunt

Billboard Music Awards Samsung Stunt
Two weeks before the 2013 Billboard Music Awards, a new client approached our team with the goal of using Samsung product placement during the live broadcast announcement of the winner of the 2013 Billboard album of the year.  We pitched arming the extras in the “mosh pit” with Samsung Note 10.1 tablets to create a mosaic announcing the winner.  A team of three, including myself as creative director, Britney Lewis as account executive, and Kurt Kelly as live event tech, arrived in Las Vegas and worked with the Billboard production company to choreograph the stunt.  We also assisted in additional Samsung product placement throughout the broadcast.
Concept Development,  Asset Creation, Talent Direction
2013 Billboard Music Award Samsung Stunt

2013 Billboard Music Award Samsung Stunt

A Samsung branded live television stunt announcing the 2013 Billboard Album of the Year.
