Fall Fox 님의 프로필

Zodiac patrons of the year

Zodiac patrons of the year
2022 was the Year of the Tiger! 
Chinese Astrology incorporates the five elements: Water, Metal, Wood, Earth, and Fire. The zodiac moves through a different element each year. Because the Yin Water element is associated with the color blue or black, some people call it the “Year of the Blue Tiger”
Blue Tiger water Spirit
BlueTiger water Spirit
The Chinese Zodiac, like the Western Zodiac, is made up of twelve signs, each represented by an animal or magical creature. In Western astrology, the signs cycle through the twelve months every year, but in Chinese astrology, each sign gets a whole year to itself, and a cycle lasts twelve years. There are twelve of them: a rat or a mouse, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a goat or a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog, a pig. The Chinese in ancient times believed that the movement of the planet Jupiter brings benefits and virtues. It makes a revolution around the Sun in 12 years. And there are also twelve patron animals. With a new rotation of Jupiter, a new cycle begins. The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac were not chosen by chance. These were animals either closely associated with the daily life of Ancient China, or those that, according to Chinese beliefs, brought good luck. 
Here I drew 2 shaman girls representing zodiac patrons of years 2022 and 2023) 
Thanks for watching!
Originally created for Heavens© game project 2022 all rights belong to the company, I do not take responsibility for legals.

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Zodiac patrons of the year


Zodiac patrons of the year
