Henkilön Edgar Alacan profiili

Tips for Building Strong Client Relationships

A senior business executive with experience in the private jet industry, Edgar Alacan co-founded and serves as the managing director of Jets.com. In that role, Edgar Alacan is tasked with multiple responsibilities, including establishing and maintaining client relationships.
Building and establishing sustainable relationships with clients is vital for any business that is keen on achieving growth. Continuous relationships with existing clients ensures continuity of business sales, as well as referrals to new customers. The following are key tips to observe in order to maintain client relationships.
Fully Understand Client Goals
Businesses need to understand their customers on both a macro and micro level. The macro level involves understanding how a project fits into a client’s overall goals and objectives, as well as any aspects of a client’s culture that could help boost engagement. The micro level, on the other hand, entails having an in-depth understanding of the goals of the current project.
Regard Clients as Individuals
Even though businesses engage with their clients professionally, going beyond the financial aspect and seeing clients as individuals helps to establish strong personal connections. Depending on the type of client, nature of business, and client’s preferences, personal connections can make clients feel more appreciated.
Share Knowledge
Sharing knowledge is critical, especially if clients don’t fully understand your organization’s area of expertise and may feel left out or disconnected from business/project development initiatives. Companies that help their clients understand what they do improve overall trust and confidence in their work. This way, clients understand how actions are taken, why they are taken, and which reasons justified taking specific actions.

Tips for Building Strong Client Relationships

Tips for Building Strong Client Relationships
