Hitchcock and the MacGuffin

What is a MacGuffin?
It might be a Scottish name, taken from a story about two men in a train.“ Hitchcock explaines. €One man says€š: What’€™s that packckage up there in the baggage rack? And the other answers: Oh, that’€™s a McGuffn. The first one asks: €šWhat’€™s a McGuffin?€˜ €šWell€˜, the other man says, it’s an apparatus for trapping lions in the scottish Highlands€˜. The first man says: €šBut there are no lions in the scottish Highlands. And the other one answers: €šWell, then that’€™s no MacGuffin!˜ So you see, a MacGuffin is nothing at all.
So it is nothing at all? Not quite. In this text I examined the term coined by Alfred Hitchcock. Therefore I raised one of the most famous MacGuffins in Hitchcock’s Ouvre as€“ the 40.000 Dollars from the Movie Psycho.


Theoretical work about the MacGuffin in Hitchcock‘s Psycho.
