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Happn clone and Okcupid clone

Appkodes is a mobile and web app development company that also provides pre-built clone scripts for various types of mobile applications, including dating apps. They offer Happn clone and Okcupid clone. These clone scripts are used for creating a user attractive dating app similar to Happn and Okcupid.
It’s important to note that using a pre-built clone script can save you time and development effort.

Appkodes Happn clone and Okcupid clone scripts come with pre-built features such as user registration and login, profile creation, location-based matching, and messaging.

Some of the key features of Appkodes Happn clone and Okcupid clone include:

User registration and login: Users can create a profile, upload photos, and register/login using their email or social media accounts.

Profile creation: Users can create detailed profiles including information about themselves, interests, and preferences.

Location-based matching: Users are matched with other users based on their location, allowing them to connect with people nearby.

Swipe feature: Appkodes Happn clone and Okcupid clone include a popular swipe feature, allowing users to swipe left or right on potential matches.

Messaging: Users can message one another within the app, allowing them to get to know each other better before meeting in person.

Push notifications: The app includes push notifications to alert users of new matches and messages.

Admin panel: Appkodes Happn clone and Okcupid clone come with a robust admin panel that allows you to manage users, track usage, and generate revenue by adding in-app purchases.

Customizable: Appkodes Happn clone and Okcupid clone are fully customizable, which means that you can add your own unique features and branding to the app

Hence, make use of Appkodes dating app clone and launch your own dating app.

Contact Details:
 Whatsapp: +917708068697    
Happn clone and Okcupid clone

Happn clone and Okcupid clone


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