What if.
What if is a project for the institutional campaign
of a well known telecommunication brand.
It has been very appreciated by the client
even if at the last step they withdrew and decided
not to communicate at all.
With this film we were creating a link with the previous subject
of their campaing (what could have happened if Mahatma Gandhi
had the new technologies to widespread his words) but through
a completely new angle: we wanted to explore and suggest
what could have happened if the greatest communicators
in history had a totally different message to share.
In this film we speculate that Hitler, with the efficiency
of his propaganda system, instead of words of death
and racial hatred was declaiming the popular
Martin Luther King’s speech “I have a dream”.
What would have changed if during the Nuremberg Rally,
when Germany was wrecked by the horrors of World War I
and the people was looking for a new leadership,
the popular Martin Luther King's speech "I have a dream"
was pronounced instead of words of hatred?
What would have changed if Adolf Hitler's essay
published in 1925, explaining his political thought,
contained words of peace and hope?
What if

What if

What if is a project for the institutional campaign of a well known telecommunication brand.
