Edtech Multi-brand Design System

/ About

Wiser's Design System was developed with the main objective of optimizing the delivery process of the interfaces generated by the technology team (Designers, Devs. and Business). Our main challenge was to generate a scalable solution that fits with the ed-tech scenario (currently owning more than 4 digital products).

Design System da Wiser foi desenvolvido com o objetivo principal de otimizar o processo de entrega das interfaces geradas pelo time de tecnologia (Designers, Devs. e Business). Nosso principal desafio foi gerar uma solução escalável que se encaixasse no cenário da ed-tech (atualmente possuindo mais de 4 produtos digitais).

/ Team

Eduardo Bonifácio: Design Lead and product Ops
Maria Fernanda: Product Ops
Renata Caraih: Product Ops

/ Honorable mention

Luan Lima: Product head

Wilson Elias: Product designer
Guilherme Dantas: Product designer

Edtech Multi-brand Design System

Edtech Multi-brand Design System

Wiser's Design System was developed with the main objective of optimizing the delivery process of the interfaces generated by the technology team 閱讀更多
