The Culture Worth Holding - Vietnam Traditional Game

The Culture Worth Holding
Lô Tô and Bầu Cua are two common games being played during Tet Holiday - Lunar New Year in Vietnam. However, with the rapid growth of online games and AI technology, Lô Tô and Bầu Cua are slowly being forgotten. 
The Culture Worth Holding aims to nurture and reserve the beauty of Vietnamese traditional game.

Lô Tô - Art Director: Cheryl Vo
Bầu Cua - Art Director: Nhat Vy Vo
Concept: Cheryl Vo & Nhat Vy Vo​​​​​​​
Business required please contact: (E) (P)
Playing Lô Tô
The concept of Lô Tô is somewhat similar to Western Bingo. The game is commonly played by people from the South and West side of Vietnam, and it is a great combination of lottery and street performances.
Số gì đây?
Số số số gì đây?
Cờ ra cờ ra con mấy?
Con mấy mấy gì đây?​​​​​​​
Making Bánh Chưng (Vietnam Sticky Rice Cake)
Making Bánh Chưng (Vietnam Sticky Rice Cake) is also a traditional activity in Vietnam. It allows family members to gather, spend quality time, and make Bánh Chưng. Naturally, the tradition of playing Lo To while making Bánh Chưng has an important place in Vietnamese people’s heart whenever New Year comes.


Playing Bầu Cua
The concept of Bầu Cua is somewhat similar to How Hoo Hey in China Culture. Bầu Cua is a common gambling game with the six main characters: Gourd, Crab, Fish, Shrimp, and Tiger. But for the year of Cat, we changed the Tiger into the Cat.​​​​​​​
Fishing Villages
Different from Lô Tô, Bầu Cua resembles the hope of a fruitful year, especially for fishermen and fishing villages. For that reason, we display fishing elements such as Salt, Hook, Net, and Boats.

Ta hát bài ca gọi cá vào,
Gõ thuyền đã có nhịp trăng cao.
Biển cho ta cá như lòng mẹ
Nuôi lớn đời ta tự buổi nào.
Behind The Scenes 
Special thanks to Vanilla the kitten who has been the 'ultimate' inspiration for this project and for her dedicated contribution. Many thanks to Nestudio for the amazing 'Cat Sitting' services :)!
Creative Director: Cheryl Vo
Art Director: Nhat Vy Vo
Concept: Cheryl Vo & Nhat Vy Vo
Model: Vanilla
Year of the Cat | 2023

Business required please contact: (E) (P)
Product Photography & Production: Nestudio
Lo To Printing Production: Khomuc Studio
The Culture Worth Holding - Vietnam Traditional Game

The Culture Worth Holding - Vietnam Traditional Game

Lô Tô and Bầu Cua are two common games being played during Tet Holiday - Lunar New Year in Vietnam. However, with the rapid growth of online game Read More
