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Free Kraft Paper Slide Box Mockup

Most of the time we see the packaging of any product or item look more expensive than the actual product is inside though we believe that the product itself should also be as good as the packaging. But brands believe that packaging comes first what consumers interact with and can be available on a store shelf or on a window display and that is somehow true because as a consumer we pick those things that look beautiful.

This free PSD packaging box mockup comes in Photoshop format and is created inside a 4500 x 3200 pixels file so you can personalize it by using smart object layers. This free Kraft Paper Slide Box mockup can be used to showcase the packaging design of the gift box or use it to present a handmade soap packaging design. This free slide box mockup is perfect to present your box packaging design from a different perspective.

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Free Kraft Paper Slide Box Mockup


Free Kraft Paper Slide Box Mockup

