My spacecraft hit the planet very badly, but you could imagine what force it would throw at me when the Earth exploded.
When I opened my eyes, I saw amazing scenery. I never thought that after 200 years I would be able to find a city where beauty still exists.
I just found out where we came from. We did not belong to the earth. If we knew this, we might be better off dealing with it.
I'm sure they speak the language of ancient PERSIA! I have no doubt. Certainly, this is the mother civilization that formed the first empire of the world.
Are they like us?
Did they make us?
Is this our origin?
When and how? I have to find this!

This is the first journey of (POPMM) Planets of Pre-historic Meta Mysteries

Creator Description:
I have researched for 7 years to complete and build this statue, the original shape of the head of this eagle/vulture was found in Persepolis, the combination of the head of a kind of vulture with the body of a lion is very amazing. The ears are adopted from hourses.
This design is completely different from its counterpart in Europe, in Europe they used a combination of an eagle's head and legs and a continuation of a lion's body.
Why is Homa important?
The name of this griffin is "Homa". It is mentioned in ancient poems, one of its characteristics is not to harm other creatures. Taken from a bird called "the bearded vulture" 2,500 years ago, it lives in the highlands and mountains of the Middle East for real.
"Homa" was the symbol of power in ancient Iran, a transcendental power that, if anybody had it, would have become king without belonging to the imperial family.
But what this bird was used for is in a haze.
Where did this bird & all Persian culture come from?
Maybe from another planet!


