Sam Price 님의 프로필

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey cover

I used the mop as a way to represent Chief Bromden,
The shorts in this first image represent those warn by McMurphy.

The hair sillohette is of the Big Nurse.
The grid across this page was to reflect the ward and its solid, septic environment.
The speaker is in reference to the speaker which played continuous music through out the day, supresing the paitences.

It was at this point when I began to play more with text and move away from more prominent imagery.
I added the table to the image to give the cards some grounding, they represent the poker played by the patience when McMurphy arrived.

I placed certain carss in this image to infer elements of the story, for example I placed the queen in the hand the represent the Nurse Ratched, the ace for McMurphy and the Joker as Cheif Bromden. I also felt that the Joker should be included to show the disorganised way the patience would play, though the Joker could have been replaced with other less conforming cards, such as a hand drawn note stating "King of Hearts" or some other card of that nature.
I moved the image to the front of the cover and adjusted the text to fit.

This was to draw focus to the front as well as create a more comfortable space for the blurb.
I decided to abandon the water fall idea and moved to using simple textures.

I wanted to use a simple green scrubs texture to represent the clothes the patience wore on the ward.

The first image I created by trying to make some blue fabric look like scrubs, I felt that he green was to sharp a colour and managed to acquire some actual scrubs to scan.

I used the roar scan of the scrubs and this was the final image I created for the cover.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey cover

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey cover

This is some of the development and the final cover I created for "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" by Ken Kesey.
