This is a selection of work done while working at the ad-agency Børresen & Co in Oslo. Unless stated otherwise all projects were designed and developed entirely by us.
Dalens Hage

One of our first projects at the agency. This website for a real estate project south of Oslo provided a lot of learning. The entire site runs off Wordpress, and was one of the first of it's kind to be completely devoid of flash content.
One of the most important parts of the page was this section where you could inspect a miniature model of the properties and click them to see further details about each house or apartment. The model also got updated to show when a house was sold. All in all this model contained a lot of data. We made it using a combination of the ancient HTML imagemap-tag, some clever Wordpress loops and a bit of javascript.
The model was actually based on a real miniature the architects had made. It measured roughly 1 meter across the long edge. We spent about a day photographing it from different angles and with different lighting.
On the left screen you can se what kind of information popped up for each house or apartment. The right side is a list view of all the homes.
Field Productions
Field Productions is an independent production company from Norway. Founded in 2002, when the now 25 year-old producer Filip Christensen gathered a group of skiing friends to make his first ever ski movie. We spent countless late nights working to redesign their website to reflect their impressive work. The page contained a blog, a video section, project pages for all their productions as well as a Wordpress-intergrated webshop where they sell merchandise.
HAV Eiendom
Bjørvika is one of the most comprehensive urban developement projects Norway has ever seen. HAV Eiendom (HAV Properties Ltd.), among others, is responsible for managing the project. The organization has to cater to everything from official stakeholders, private investors and courious citizens seeking information and guidance. This was one of the main concerns when developing their new website.
The website contained a list detailing all the properties in the Bjørvika area, and their current status. We also made an interactive map and a timeline showing the development of the area over the last decades.
We had a large amount of data about the various aspects of the project. Such as future street plans, public transport, commercial areas and so on. We put all this into a layered map where the user could toggle the different layers to visualize the process.

A website for a cosmetics franchise. Contains a database with all their products, a map with all their stores across the country as well as some inspirational content from their in-store magazine.
Following the release of their new product line called Fruity Tubes we created this online promotion for Lypsyl (lip balm) on Facebook. The basic idea was that you could send a kiss to anyone on your friendslist. When sending the kiss, you had to choose what taste the kiss should have (peach, cherry). The person recieving the kiss then was offered a free sample of the product in the taste of the kiss. It was launched on valentines day, and got pretty popular.
Apart from the concept development, we spent quite a lot of time creating and animating the different types of lips/kisses.
Developed externally
Vaseline Intensive Care
This Facebook contest designed for moisturizing cream brand Vaseline Intensive Care let one lucky group of people go on a spa-weekend. The idea was that when entering the contest, you could pick three people from your friendlist to come along if you won. We then inserted the names of everyone into a sort of mad libs-story about a spa-weekend, resulting in a usually pretty funny postcard about the group. These postcards were shared a lot, and gave us a decent amount of contestants.
Developed externally
Thanks for watching!
Børresen & Co

Børresen & Co

A selection of work done while working at the ad-agency Børresen & Co in Oslo
