Kelly Burkss profil

Solar Decathlon Proposal

Solar Decathlon Proposal
Washington D.C.
The solar decathlon is a world competition between universities to design off the grid homes. This design incorporates new technologies that could advance the way we live. Incorporating flexible photovoltaics along with piezoelectric fabric produce 100% of the homes electricity demands. But this home offers much more then the production of its own electricity. Pre-fabricated fiberglass panels allow easy installation along with an abundant amount of daylight within the home helping to reduce the use of electricity. Clear aerogel is pressed between the fiberglass layers to function as insulation. Structural floor panels are created from standard foam sheets wrapped in resin coated carbon fiber. This creates a very light weight yet, durable floor structure. Interior water consumption is reduced by the use of low flow fixtures. While exterior water use is reduced by planting native vegetation. This home exemplifies the use of new technology to create a highly efficient home.
Solar Decathlon Proposal

Solar Decathlon Proposal

This Solar Decathlon proposal makes self sustained living enjoyable.
